New Beginnings!

This is my first stab at establishing an on-line business with photography I have taken over the years!
Wish me luck and I'm looking forward to having fun with the whole project come hell or high water!
As of now the picture galleries are still under construction and we're hoping you'll have access to them in the next couple of weeks or so - maybe a bit longer, but we'll see?!
If anyone in their right mind actually wants to contact me via email then that too is possible!
I welcome the brave and look forward to your honest and brutal comments over the coming years!
Until then you have to put up with these silly blog posts accompanied by a photograph or two, and the usual thoughts sane and insane that meander through the mind of an Englishman in New York!
In the next couple of days I'll get down & dirty with some history, our aims for this photography site/store and some characters you'll meet along the way.
Good luck because that is a winner! A champion. A beautiful shot.
Hey Eric Shinn!
They'll be more photography to view in the next couple of week dude! Hope you come back to take a look at it!
Thanks Dave!
How marvelous to get such praise!
See ya' soon,
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